

Welcome to Old Ireland.   My initial idea for this site was to cover only classic vehicles, but since was already taken and the best alternative I could find was this one, my thoughts for the site began to broaden.   A lot of the inspiration for this comes from the few magazines for which I have written articles.   Let’s get these mentioned early, because you should not be surprised to see a little of their influence here.   Real Classic is subscription only in print, but also has an excellent site at , where Frank, Rowena and a host of writers entertain and inspire.   Then there is Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly, formerly in print monthly, but now only on line at / (unfortunately now obsolete.  You will need to use the Wayback machine to find it).   MMM’s archives could keep you reading happily for months, and the like it or not truths told by Thomas Day (Geezer with a grudg...

We have all been Trumped on.

I’ve missed commenting on this idiot because I was offline for a while.  I could not (and still cannot), comprehend how people could vote for this egotistical prat or his clownish sidekicks like JD Vance, Kennedy and Musk (OK, no one voted for Musk, we all got him anyway), but they did, so case closed.  Now come the repercussions. Unfortunately Trump is bombarding us with examples of his utter disregard for everyone but himself and his Russian paymasters, so only a few examples are below.   You will all know them, so just consider this rant as cathartic for me. Case 1:   Yeah, right.   The Palestinians are really going to give up (with no payment or even substitute land!!) their homeland just so that Trump and his cronies can then build holiday resorts and golf courses on it.   While you are at it, Trump, why don’t you ask some of your more hard-up supporters in somewhere like Kentucky or other parts of the rust belt to just walk away from their homes s...

Goodbye big brother.

  My brother died just before new year.   He was only 14 months older than me, and died from a heart attack, so from a self-preservation perspective alone that is pretty worrying. I got a call from his work early one morning to say that he had not weighed in for work, so I had the unenviable task of going to his house to check up on him.   After a few access issues, I found him collapsed and plainly dead for some time on his kitchen floor.   In later life he wasn’t the fittest of people since he exercised little.   He also chain smoked, which probably didn’t help him either.   There were reasons for his withdrawal from the world which I will write of later, but still, I was not expecting this.   ☹ My brother came in two distinct versions during his life, and I can place the cause of the change between these two fairly accurately.   From an early age he wanted to join the army, so while still in his teens, and as soon as he could break free of ...

A few memes for Christmas

  At an AA meeting:- And finally a Christmas one.  Happy Christmas everyone.   😊


  It’s almost Christmas, so I thought I’d test your knowledge, (or your guessing ability perhaps?).   Below are some quotes from the books, poems or short stories of famous writers through the ages.   It’s probably too much to expect you to be able to guess which story these quotes come from, but have a guess about the authors without Googling these to see if you can recognise the style of the writing.   Some of them may surprize you.   The answers are further down the page.   1)        1)  I don’t mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what is particularly dead about a door nail.   I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin nail as the deadest bit of ironmongery in the trade.   But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the country’s done.   2)        2)   There has been some talk latel...

Fame at last?

 Yeah, OK.  That title might be very optimistic, given the diminutive size of the publisher concerned, and the fact that I make up a mere one thirty ninth of the content, but I now have a fiction story in print. Legiron books ( Home - Leg Iron Books ), have seen fit to publish a short story that I submitted to them in their latest compilation of Halloween based stories.  It is out now on Amazon in both paper and Kindle format ( Monster: Underdog Anthology 24 eBook : Hillman, H.K., Doo, Roo B., Ellott, Mark , Royer, Daniel, Duffy, S. W. , Stones, Adam D., Caswell, Ian, Bidgood, Lee, Walker, David D., Lombardi, Nicola: Kindle Store ) I have to admit that zombies and all that supernatural stuff is really not my style, but since this is a Halloween based compilation, I had to go with the flow.  As a result of my aversion to supernatural based stories, I can't even tell you that I enjoyed all the stories in the book.  Some are distinctly better than oth...

EV versus ICE

There are a number of reasons not to buy an electric car over their petrol powered cousins.  Below are just a few.  I have used the cheapest options where possible. 1) Cost. In the UK, the cheapest available electric car is currently the Dacia Spring, costing from £14,995 upwards, depending on specification.  It has a claimed range of only 140 miles ( estimate a real world range of 100 miles, with a worst case estimate of only 70 miles in cold weather), and it takes around 5 hours to charge at a charging station.  As such, it is described as a city car.  Given those figures, you certainly aren't going to go continental touring in it!  A 5 hour wait every 100 miles would prove somewhat tiresome. The similarly sized, petrol powered,  Dacia Sandero is available from £13,795.  That is £1200 cheaper, and you won't need to install a charging station at home to be able to use the Sandero.  The carwow site estimates around £2000 for th...

More of the same.

 Sorry, I seem to be posting a lot about this conflict, but this is worth viewing, and if you are not in the UK, you may not have seen this issue.  Good journalism on the part of Paraic O'Brien.  Scary stuff! Hardline Israeli settlers gather to plan future homes in Gaza strip – Channel 4 News

With Hindsight

 See also:  Rogue State? ( And:  Two Wrongs……. ( So we have reached the one year mark in Israel’s conflict in Gaza.   Time for a little reflection. 1)     After the original and totally horrific Hamas attack, questions were asked about how the Israeli security agency had apparently managed to completely miss all the preparations that must have been necessary for the attack.   I must point out here that I am making no excuses for the Hamas attack.   It was brutal, appalling, inhuman (continue to insert your own descriptives here, none of them will fully describe just how wrong the Hamas attack was).   Any questions raised about the Israeli security agency seem to somehow to have been lost in the brutality and genocide that have happened since the original attack. I was wondering about this though.   The agency that managed to miss a Hamas breakout of that size, does not sound ...

Information overload.

  HED Map Viewer 2024 ( The map showing archaeological sites here in Northern Ireland that I used in my last piece is well worth a mention in its own right (see the link at the top of this page).  It is a government site, but is open to the public, so there are no issues in using it.  There are many layers, from ones showing shipwrecks and aircraft crashes, to historic maps, battle sites, and even lidar surveys in some areas.   Pick on  a link that interests you, and click in.  There are often further links to other sites and even back to the original archaeological reports on many of them.  To those who don't live in Northern Ireland, sorry, you will have to find something similar for your own locality.  But here, there is a real warren of interesting information and links that will keep anyone with an interest occupied for hours. Many of the sites local to me I knew about, but there are a few that are new to me, including an intr...

Truly Ancient

This map layer shows only historic sites and monuments.  Unfortunately it shows only those in Northern Ireland, but just imagine the number of sites there must be across the whole island.   As you can see from the map above, we aren't short of archaeological sites in this part of the world.  There are the three spectacular tombs in the Boyne valley, Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, ( Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre: Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth | Heritage Ireland ).  The huge Giants Ring in Belfast, ( Giant's Ring | Department for Communities ( ).  Maeve's grave in Co. Sligo, ( Queen Maeve Trail – Knocknarea – Sligo Walks .  There are thousands of others too including, as below, the stone circle at Ballynoe, about 5 miles outside Downpatrick ( Ballynoe ‘Stone Circle’ | Department for Communities ( ). It dates from the Neolithic to the bronze age, so from about 4000 years ago, and has links to the Boyne Valley monumen...

It's a strange world.

 So Donny got shot in the ear.  I'll not make the comment that I have heard from some over here about the accuracy of the gunman.  No one deserves to be shot, not even Trump.  Perhaps it will make him a little open to arguments about gun control in the states.  I'm pretty sure that the founding fathers vision of the right to carry arms didn't include assault rifles, and that they would never have considered putting the right to carry into the US constitution if they had been able to imagine such weapons. Anyway, I'm sure you have seen some of the ridiculous side stories that have appeared as a result of Donny's ear piercing?  Perhaps he got shot because he was just too slow to react when his secret service guards shouted, "Donald, duck!" 1)   Trump supporters have started wearing bandages on their ears as a show of support!  I have to admit that I did a double take on this when I first saw it.  It is a sign of their love apparently!...

Not a gripe.........for once!

 Just to prove that I'm not a completely grumpy old git, I thought I should report on two short trips that we did since our stay at The Ballygally Hotel (Hastings Hotel Group).  See this post for my rather disappointed review of that hotel:   Yet another gripe. ( . Both of these hotels were around the same price, and probably a bit cheaper than the Ballygally, yet were infinitely superior in every respect.  What's not to like? 1)  The Salthouse, Ballycastle:   The Salthouse Hotel | Luxury Hotel in Ballycastle, Co Antrim This is a new hotel set on a hill just outside the town of Ballycastle.  It has tremendous views north to Rathlin Island which is about three miles off shore, and to the Scottish Isles and coast beyond that.  Both Isla and Jura are visible on a good day.  Look west, and you will see Donegal, on the East the cliffs of Fairhead.  It is a stunning setting.  The rooms are comfortable,...