Meanwhile at the end of the glen….

It’s good to live in a place that actually gives you pleasure. Somewhere where there is space, scenery and clean air; somewhere good for the soul. As I said in the last (tangential) piece, ours lies on the shore of Belfast Lough, at the end of a short wooded glen near our home. Officially the whole walk is 16 miles in length, from Holywood to Donaghadee (or vice versa). The Walk Ni site has details of this and a load of other good walks province wide: It's hard to beat a good sunset. This is looking West, towards Belfast further up the lough. It is pretty much all good, with only a few short sections on road. The vast majority is paved, although a few sections are narrow where the path rounds a rocky headland or two. There are also a few sandy beaches to cross. That said, since it is at sea level, there are no major hills unless walkers get side-tracked along the w...