The First Million Dollar Movie - 1924
Just to get in slightly ahead of time (for once!), the world's first million dollar movie was released almost 100 years ago on 18th March 1924. How do I know about it? Well, many years ago, a friend and his family were moving to England, and I went round to help them pack the van they had bought to move their stuff in. It was relatively small, and a lot of their things were being left behind. One of the things they were going to dump was a copy of the rather classic movie poster shown above. I asked for, and was given the poster for my help. Then, some years later, Channel 4 showed a series of historic movies, including this one, and since I had an interest in it because of the poster, I watched it. Channel 4 included a short presentation on the movie before showing it. Of course these days, it is freely available on YouTube if you want to see it. The visual effects which seem so crude now must have been stunning to audiences back then. The silent overacting does seem par