Buyer Beware!
Let’s face it, when you are buying second hand it pays to be cautious and to look for faults that the buyer may not have declared. I have no problem with this, although I do try to be as honest as I can when selling anything. What I do have a problem with are undisclosed problems that would be dangerous, but which would be impossible to find on any inspection without both prior knowledge of what to look for, and disassembly of the item being bought. Old and new sprockets from the Funduro. The gearbox output shaft should be a good fit in the splines shown on the new sprocket on the right. Instead its splines wore quickly to almost non existence. If you have read my last two motorcycle related posts here, you will have followed the tale of me buying and fixing up an old 1994 BMW F650 Funduro for winter transport. You will also have read of the numerous faults that these bikes are afflicted with and the ones that I suffered. I have no...