1961 Triumph Speed Twin, 5TA - Part 2 – Rebuilding the Wreckage

So the old Speed Twin was pretty rough by the time the number plate was eventually sold. Since the short runs I had used it for couldn’t have added more than 100 miles to the bike, it was clear that the last owners claim to have rebuilt the engine was a lie. Selling it in this condition back then would have eaten into the profit I had made on the number plate, and besides, despite its problems, I had grown to like it. Well, parts of it anyway, but you will read more of that later on. Since the bike now cost me nothing, I decided to reinvest some of the number plate profits in fixing the engine. At that time, I had a few big advantages when starting such a project. Firstly, I worked for an engineering firm that had a very well equipped tool room. Better yet, my boss, to whom I and many others will be eternally indebted, was bike mad, a damned fine engineer, and always willing to share both his knowledge and time. His name is Bert John...