
Showing posts from May, 2020


Because the race was a victim of the current epidemic, the local BBC showed, Road, the documentary about Joey and Robert Dunlop and Robert’s sons in place of their North West 200 coverage.   You can view the whole documentary on YouTube here:   Road ( . Having never been involved in racing, I did not know either of them, although I have met Joey on a few occasions.   The image of Joey as a quietly spoken, modest gentleman is exactly how he came across to me.   Back in the 80’s and early 90’s, we had a reasonably active motorcycle club.   For a few years during the off season for motorcycle racing, we organised a bus from Bangor to take us to Joey’s Bar in Ballymoney for the night.   By phoning in advance, we were able to arrange an evening when Joey could be there.   The first round of drink, for the whole busload of us was always on the house, and during the evening, the bar also provided a supper of sandwiches, cocktail sausages and all the usual snacks.   Joey hims

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

I have to say that during this Covid lock down I am not missing my daily commute to work.   Even on a bike it is pretty hateful.   Still, the Suzuki needed a little TLC before I have to start weaving between the traffic to Belfast again, and the sunny weather that we were having was an excellent opportunity to do this maintenance. There were two linked things that needed to be done. Change the worn out rear tyre. Change the exhaust so that removal of the rear wheel would be much easier in the future. The Burgman with one lower panel removed.  you can see where the exhaust disappears up behind the bodywork and one of the frame tubes. I have complained about the inaccessibility of the Burgman’s rear wheel in a previous article.   Rear wheel removal on this bike should be easy since the scooters engine and drive train are in essence a single sided swinging arm, with three nuts holding the wheel onto this assembly.   Unfortunately, Suzuki’s designers then destroyed thi