It's a strange world.

 So Donny got shot in the ear.  I'll not make the comment that I have heard from some over here about the accuracy of the gunman.  No one deserves to be shot, not even Trump.  Perhaps it will make him a little open to arguments about gun control in the states.  I'm pretty sure that the founding fathers vision of the right to carry arms didn't include assault rifles, and that they would never have considered putting the right to carry into the US constitution if they had been able to imagine such weapons.

Anyway, I'm sure you have seen some of the ridiculous side stories that have appeared as a result of Donny's ear piercing?  Perhaps he got shot because he was just too slow to react when his secret service guards shouted, "Donald, duck!"


Trump supporters have started wearing bandages on their ears as a show of support!  I have to admit that I did a double take on this when I first saw it.  It is a sign of their love apparently!  I mean, WTF goes on in peoples heads that they purposely mimic something like this?  It just confirms the high regard (sic!) in which Trump's supporters are held in the rest of the rational world.  The pic is from this BBC link: Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump - BBC News

2.  The director of the secret service who provide Trump's protection is Kimberly Cheatle.  Apparently, for health and safety reasons, they could not position their security operatives on the roof the gunman was able to use, because it sloped.  Really?  This is the same organisation that trains people to throw their own bodies over presidents and ex-presidents to take a bullet for them.  To me the latter sounds somewhat more dangerous than climbing onto a not particularly sloped roof.  There were snipers in either the building used by the gunman, or the one next to it, depending on which secret service interview you believe.  I'd have thought that checking the outside of the buildings was important too, but what do I know?  The quote below was widely reported.  This version is from:  Trump shooting: Secret Service changes story on SWAT position (

"Cheatle also had said that the building that Crooks used as his shooting perch “in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point.”

“And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we would want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” Cheatle said. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside.”

Cheatle said that local police were assigned to secure the area, which included multiple buildings just outside of the perimeter set up by the Secret Service."

Like I say, it's a strange world out there.  


  1. Pretty much what the rest of the world thinks, Ian! An American friend of mine is beside himself with the state of US politics. Sadly though, it's hard to identify any politicians in the world who can be held up as shining examples of leadership. Zelensky maybe?

  2. You're right Geoff, Zelensky is doing a good job given the circumstances. The sheer size of the task Ukraine has had to take on must be off-putting to say the least, yet he seems to have been everywhere he is needed, both at home and abroad. He keeps their profile high on the agenda, and for Ukraine's sake alone, I would hate to see Donny get in as President. I suspect that support for Ukraine would be low on his government's priority list.


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