Goodbye big brother.
My brother died just before new year. He was only 14 months older than me, and died from a heart attack, so from a self-preservation perspective alone that is pretty worrying. I got a call from his work early one morning to say that he had not weighed in for work, so I had the unenviable task of going to his house to check up on him. After a few access issues, I found him collapsed and plainly dead for some time on his kitchen floor. In later life he wasn’t the fittest of people since he exercised little. He also chain smoked, which probably didn’t help him either. There were reasons for his withdrawal from the world which I will write of later, but still, I was not expecting this. ☹ My brother came in two distinct versions during his life, and I can place the cause of the change between these two fairly accurately. From an early age he wanted to join the army, so while still in his teens, and as soon as he could break free of ...