You are a hard bunch to please.

The post on here with the largest number of hits is the Irish jokes one, and all I did for it was trawl a few jokes sites.  It was posted ages ago, but still gets quite a few hits.

Other stories on here like the links to our history (WW1, Civil War, love and emigration) of the old Rolex that my Mum was given as a teenager ( barely got a hit at all, neither did my comments on what I know about Belfast's most famous bar (The Crown:  No comments, no feedback; nothing.  It is difficult to know what to write, but then again, perhaps I should take this as a judgement and just shut up?

Any thoughts?


  1. The thorny problem of getting comments! The simple answer is to not worry about it. Just write what you want to write and treat comments as a bonus. My little spot gets hundreds of reads a day and just a handful of comments. Then there is the other side of the coin - if every one of them started a conversation on every post I would have a problem!

  2. Thanks Grandad,

    There is a lot that I don't understand about the stats provided by Blogger and other sites. for example, before St. Pats day, people must have been looking for Irish jokes, and this site was regularly coming up on the second page of Bing for those jokes. As a result, the site itself was getting over 300 hits a day from Bing, but this did not translate into page reads? Blogger is wrong about something, either the number of site hits, or page hits, or perhaps it was just too much effort for those that made their way to the site to actually open the jokes page?

    I have no idea where the truth lies on this. any thoughts?

  3. Site statistics is a very thorny subject. I hae been working on web sites for the last thirty years or more and still haven't found a satisfactory answer! You can stick a whole load of analytics software on a site and no two will ever give the same figures and rarely are even close. Add to that the amount of traffic which is non-human [Google scanning pages, malware scanning for vulnerabilities and the like] and it gets even more confusing.

    Having said all that, I use Google Analytics as my base stats but use it purely for relative traffic rather than absolute traffic. In other words, it's just a good way of showing if traffic is increasing or decreasing.

    1. You have a point. Perhaps the best strategy is just to post my rants and let google worry about the rest. At least it's a good way to get it out of my system. ;-) Still it seems like an awful waste to put out stories like how the Crown one, which adds gives a name to the manager who saved it, and a few other lost details, yet the story remains untold, because no one actually reads it. Oh well.


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