More of the same.

 Sorry, I seem to be posting a lot about this conflict, but this is worth viewing, and if you are not in the UK, you may not have seen this issue.  Good journalism on the part of Paraic O'Brien.  Scary stuff!

Hardline Israeli settlers gather to plan future homes in Gaza strip – Channel 4 News


  1. All sides have committed atrocities and despite all the rhetoric and propoganda, there can be no rational justification. It's also acknowledged that Israel have progressively dispossessed Palestine of legally held land for nigh on 50 years. Why do United Nations and similar organisations not do something? Because of vested interests of course. It's hard to hold out hope for a lasting settlement.

    1. Great link below Geoff. Thanks for that. There is an amazing amount of inequality in this world where we are supposed to believe that everyone has the same basic rights. :-(

      The fact that there is resistance to this inequality in Palestine and the obvious discrimination that Israeli rule brings, should be no surprize to anyone. However, I do think that Hamas could learn a lot from the success that Sinn Fein have had over here. Our governments need to do more to wind Israel in and force them to a democratic solution.

  2. An interesting article. Even allowing for inevitable bias:


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