Fame at last?

 Yeah, OK.  That title might be very optimistic, given the diminutive size of the publisher concerned, and the fact that I make up a mere one thirty ninth of the content, but I now have a fiction story in print.

Legiron books (Home - Leg Iron Books), have seen fit to publish a short story that I submitted to them in their latest compilation of Halloween based stories.  It is out now on Amazon in both paper and Kindle format (Monster: Underdog Anthology 24 eBook : Hillman, H.K., Doo, Roo B., Ellott, Mark , Royer, Daniel, Duffy, S. W. , Stones, Adam D., Caswell, Ian, Bidgood, Lee, Walker, David D., Lombardi, Nicola: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store)

I have to admit that zombies and all that supernatural stuff is really not my style, but since this is a Halloween based compilation, I had to go with the flow.  As a result of my aversion to supernatural based stories, I can't even tell you that I enjoyed all the stories in the book.  Some are distinctly better than others.  Some, from the humorous to the thought provoking,  are very good indeed.

My story is based on a local history post on this site (Local History of the worst possible kind! The story of Carnage Hill.), but hopefully it is more about redemption and faith than it is about ghosts.  When I posted this yesterday the 'read sample' tab would have covered my entire story, but it has since changed to exclude my story.  If you missed that boat, you are very lucky indeed.  :-)

Should you buy the book, I hope you enjoy it.  Hopefully too, there will be a longer novel by yours truly available before Christmas.


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